- Gutierrez Jaguey, J., Gomez Anduro, G. A., Villa Medina, J. F., Porta Gandara, M. A.. 2024. Solar driven portable biodiesel reactor for running agrimotor. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. Published online: 02 July 2024(-):1-8. (F.I. 3)
- Elmessery, W. M., Maklakov, D. V., El-messery3, T. M., Baranenko, D. A., Gutierrez Jaguey, J., Shams, M. Y., El-hafeez, T. A., Elsayed, S., Alhag, S. K., Moghanm, F. S., Mulyukin, M. A., Petrova, Y. Y., Elwakeel, A. E.. 2023. Semantic segmentation of microbial alterations based on SegFormer. Frontiers in Plant Science. 15(-):1-20. (F.I. 4.1)
- Elmessey, W. M., Gutierrez Jaguey, J., Abd El-wahhab, G. G., Elkhaiat, I. A., El-soaly, I. S., Alhag, S. K., Al-shuray, L. A., Akela, M. A., Moghanm, F. S., Abdelshafie, M. F.. 2023. YOLO-Based Model for Automatic Detection of Broiler Pathological Phenomena through Visual and Thermal Images in Intensive Poultry Houses. Agriculture-Basel. 13(8):1-21. (F.I. 3.6)
- Porta García, M. Á., Villa Medina, J. F., Gutierrez Jaguey, J., Fuentes Villegas, A. D., Porta Gandara, M. A.. 2023. Wristalert: A Face Touching Alert Through Inertial Sensors and Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 23(22):27960-27966. (F.I. 4.3)
- De Anda Trasviña, A. M., Nieto Garibay, A., Gutierrez Jaguey, J.. 2022. Natural language report of the composting process status using linguistic perception. Applied Soft Computing. 127(-):1-13. (F.I. 8.263)
- Morales Hernández, R. C., Gutierrez Jaguey, J., Becerra Alonso, D.. 2022. A Comparison of Multi-Label Text Classification Models in Research Articles Labeled With Sustainable Development Goals. IEEE Access. 10(-):123534-123548. (F.I. 3.476)
- Von Borstel Luna, F. D., Haro, M. S., Villa Medina, J. F., Gutierrez Jaguey, J.. 2022. Propulsive Element Normal Force Based on Acceleration Measurements Experienced by a Subcarangiform Robotic Fish. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. 104(73):1-12. (F.I. 2.646)
- Von Borstel Luna, F. D., Villa Medina, J. F., Gutierrez Jaguey, J.. 2022. Development of Mobile Robots based on Wireless Robotic Components using UML and Hierarchical Colored Petri Nets. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. 104(70):1-28. (F.I. 2.646)
- Villa-Medina J.F., Gutiérrez J., Gómez-Muñoz V.M., Porta-Gándara M.A., 2021. Underwater Caterpillar Profiler. Instrumentation and Measurement IEEE Transactions on 63 (1): 001-007. 10.1109/TIM.2021.3096269
- Villa-Medina J., Porta-Gándara M., and Gutiérrez J. Wireless Robotic Components for Autonomous Vehicles. Robotica, 39(7), 2021: 1202-1215. 10.1017/S0263574720001010
- Baiyin B., Tagawa K., and Gutiérrez J. Techno-Economic Feasibility Analysis of a Stand-Alone Photovoltaic System for Combined Aquaponics on Drylands. Sustainability 2020, 12, 9556. 10.3390/su12229556
- Carvajal-López P., Von Borstel F. D., Torres A., Rustici G., Gutiérrez J. and Romero-Vivas E. 2018. Microarray-Based quality assessment as a supporting criterion for de novo transcriptome assembly selection. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 17(1), 2020: 198-206. 10.1109/TCBB.2018.2860997
- Von Borstel-Luna F.D., de la Rosa-Aguilar E., Suárez-Naranjo J. and Gutiérrez, J. 2016. Robotic System for Automation of Water Quality Monitoring and Feeding in Aquaculture Shadehouse. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 13 (99): 1-15. 10.1109/TSMC.2016.2635649
- Gutiérrez J., Villa-Medina J.F., López-Guzmán A. and Porta-Gándara M.A., 2015. Smartphone Irrigation Sensor. IEEE Journal Sensors 15 (9): 5122-5127. 10.1109/JSEN.2015.2435516
- Romero-Vivas E., Von Borstel F., Pérez-Estrada C.J., Torres-Ariño D., Villa-Medina J.F., and Gutiérrez J., 2015. On-water remote monitoring robotic system for estimating the patch coverage of Anabaena sp. filaments in shallow water. Environ Sci-Proc Imp 17 (x): 1141-1149. 10.1039/c5em00097a
- Flores, V., Villa-Medina J.F., Porta-Gándara M. A. and Gutiérrez, J. 2015. Shopping Market Assistant Robot. Latin America Transactions, IEEE (Revista IEEE America Latina) 13 (8): 2559-2566. 10.1109/TLA.2015.7331912
- Romero-Vivas E., Von Borstel-Luna F., Omar A. Bustamante, Sergio Beristaín, Porta-Gándara M.A., Villa-Medina F. and Gutiérrez-Jagüey J., 2014. Prototype of a linear array on an autonomous surface vehicle for the register of dolphin displacement patterns within a shallow bay. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136 (4), 2118.
- Gutiérrez J., Villa-Medina J.F., Nieto-Garibay A., Porta-Gándara M.A., 2014. Automated Irrigation System Using a Wireless Sensor Network and GPRS Module. Instrumentation and Measurement IEEE Transactions on 63 (1): 166-176.
- Gutiérrez J., Villa-Medina J.F., Fernández J.L., Porta-Gándara M.A., 2013. Indirect assessment of air conditioning energy savings in buildings. Ingeniería Mecánica Tecnología y Desarrollo SOMIM, Vol. 4 (5): 153-160. ISSN 1665-7381. (Revista dentro del Índice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACYT).
- Von Borstel F., Suárez J., de la Rosa G., Gutiérrez J., 2013. Feeding and water monitoring robot in aquaculture greenhouse. Industrial Robots: An International Journal 40(1): 10-19. ISSN: 0143-991X. (0.603). 10.1108/01439911311294219