Dr. Macario Bacilio Jiménez
[ Foto Personal ]

Doctor en Ciencias

CATEGORÍA: Investigador Titular A (ITA)



  • Programa de Planeación Ambiental y Conservación


  • Fitorremediación de suelos: búsqueda e identificación de plantas con potencial para limpiar suelos y aguas contaminadas.
  • Microbiología del manglar: aislamiento e identificación de bacterias que favorezcan el crecimiento del manglar, dilucidando su papel en la resiliencia del ecosistema de manglar al impacto de factores ambientales estresantes.
  • Restauración de suelos: Uso y aplicación de microorganismos, biofertilizantes y plantas para la recuperación se suelos erosionados o en proceso de degradación.
  • Interacción planta-bacterias promotoras del crecimiento vegetal (PGPB)
  • Biofertilizantes (compostas, vermicompostas, biochar). Aplicación de biofertilizantes y microorganismos en suelos contaminados y erosionados y el análisis de su participación en el proceso.


  • Macario Bacilio-Jiménez, Laura Carreon-Palau, Bertha Olivia Arredondo-Vega, Jessica Alejandra Chávez-Cobian & Rogelio Carrillo-González 2022. Changes in fatty acid in Tecoma stans grown in mine residues after compost amendment, International Journal of Phytoremediation, DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2022.2033690
  • López, B.R., Bacilio, M. 2020. Weathering and soil formation in hot, dry environments mediated by plant–microbe interactions. Biol Fertil Soils 56, 447–459. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00374-020-01456-x
  • Lindsey Saum, Macario Bacilio Jiménez and David Crowley. 2018. Influence of biochar and compost on phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 20:1, 54-60.
  • Bacilio, M., Moreno, M., Lopez-Aguilar, D. R., and Bashan, Y. 2017. Scaling from the growth chamber to the greenhouse to the field: demonstration of diminishing effects of mitigation of salinity in peppers inoculated with plant growth-promoting bacterium and humic acids. Applied Soil Ecology. 119: 327-338.
  • Bacilio, M., Moreno, M., and Bashan, Y. 2016. Mitigation of negative effects of progressive soil salinity gradients by application of humic acids and inoculation with Pseudomonas stutzeri in a salt-tolerant and a salt-susceptible pepper. Applied Soil Ecology 107: 394-404.
  • Lopez, B.R., Tinoco-Ojanguren, C., Bacilio, M., Mendoza, A., and Bashan, Y. 2012. Endophytic bacteria of the rock-dwelling cactus Mammillaria fraileana affect plant growth and mobilization of elements from rocks. Environmental and Experimental Botany 26-36.
  • Lopez, B.R., Bashan, Y., and Bacilio M. 2011. Endophytic bacteria of Mammillaria fraileana, an endemic rock-colonizing cactus of the southern Sonoran Desert. Arch Microbiol (2011) 193:527–541.
  • Bacilio, M., Vazquez, P., and Bashan, Y. 2011. Water versus spacing: A possible growth preference among young individuals of the giant cardon cactus of the Baja California Peninsula. Environmental and Experimental Botany 70: 29-36.
  • Lopez, B.R., Bashan, Y., Bacilio, M., De la Cruz-Agüero, G. 2009. Rock-colonizing plants: Abundance of the endemic cactus Mammillaria fraileana related to rock type in the southern Sonoran Desert. Plant Ecology 201:575-588.
  • Bashan, Y., Salazar, B., Puente, M. E., Bacilio, M., and Linderman, R.G. 2009. Enhanced establishment and growth of giant cardon cactus in an eroded field in the Sonoran Desert using native legume trees as nurse plants aided by plant growth-promoting microorganisms and compost. Biology and Fertility of Soils 45: 585-594.
  • Bacilio, M., Hernandez, J.-P., and Bashan, Y. 2006. Restoration of giant cardon cacti in barren desert soil amended with common compost and inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense. Biology and Fertility of Soils 43:112-119.
  • Bashan, Y., Bustillos J. J., Leyva, L. A., Hernandez J.-P., and Bacilio M. 2006. Increase in auxiliary photoprotective photosynthetic pigments in wheat seedlings induced by Azospirillum brasilense. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 42: 279-285.
  • Bacilio M., Rodriguez H., Moreno M., Hernandez J.-P., and Bashan Y. 2004. Mitigation of sodium chloride stress in wheat seedlings by a gfp-tagged Azospirillum lipoferum. Biology and Fertility of Soils 40:188-193.
  • M. Bacilio, P. Vázquez and Y. Bashan. 2003. Alleviation of noxious effects of cattle ranch compost on wheat seed germination by inoculantion with Azospirillum spp. Biol Fert. and Soil 38:261-266.
  • Macario Bacilio Jiménez, Sara Aguilar Flores, Elsa Ventura-Zapata, Eduardo Pérez-Campos, Stephane Bouquelet, and Edgar Zenteno. 2003 Chemical characterization of root exudates from rice (Oryza sativa) and their effect on the chemotactic response of bacteria endophytic). Plant and Soil. 249(2): 271-277.
  • Yoav Bashan, Juan Pablo Hernández, Luis Leyva and Macario Bacilio. 2002. Alginate microbeads as inoculant carriers for plant growth-promoting bacteria. Biol. Fértil. Soils. 35:359-368.
  • Bacilio-Jimenez, M., Aguilar-Flores, S., Velazquez del Valle, M., Perez, A., Zepeda, A., and Zenteno, E. 2001. Endophytic bacteria in rice seeds inhibit early colonization of roots by Azospirillum brasilense. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 33:167-172.



  • Blanca Estela Romero López, Doctorado, 2009: Colonización de rocas por mammillaria fraileana (britt & rose) boed y efecto de la interacción cactácea-endofitas en la intemperizacion de rocas de ambientes áridos



  • Gerardo Salvador Reyes León, Doctorado, 2020: Desarrollo de consorcios microbianos basados en el potencial metabólico del metagenoma de manglares.


  • Gerardo Salvador Reyes León
