- Mazariegos-Villarreal, A., Chávez-Pillado, A., León-Cisneros, K., Granados-Amores, J., Acosta-Pachón, T., Medina-López, M., Serviere-Zaragoza, E. 2023. Geographic differences in the diet and isotopic niche of Octopus hubbsorum (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) in the Mexican Pacific. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 89(4). https://doi.org/10.1093/mollus/eyad021
- Hernández Almaraz, P., Jaime Rivera, M., Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Mendez Rodriguez, L. C., Serviere Zaragoza, E.. 2022. Macroalgae contribution to the diet of two sea urchins in Sargassum Beds: Tripneustes depressus (Camarodonta: Toxopneustidae) and Eucidaris thouarsii (Cidaroide: Cidaridae). Regional Studies in Marine Science. 53(-):1-13. (F.I. 1.624)
- Acosta Pachón, T. A., López Vivas, J. M., Mazariegos Villarreal, A., León Cisneros, K., Martinez Rincon, R., Serviere Zaragoza, E.. 2022. Diet of the Cortez damselfish Stegastes rectifraenum (Gill, 1862) in the Gulf of California assessed by stomach content analysis. Marine Biodiversity. 52(54):1-12. (F.I. 1.815)
- Serviere Zaragoza, E., Lluch Cota, S. E., Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Balart Paez, E. F., Valencia Valdez, H. A., Mendez Rodriguez, L. C.. 2021. Cadmium, Lead, Copper, Zinc, and Iron Concentration Patterns in Three Marine Fish Species from Two Different Mining Sites inside the Gulf of California, Mexico. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 12(2):1-18. (F.I. 2.468)
- Serviere Zaragoza, E., Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Balart Paez, E. F., Mendez Rodriguez, L. C., Acosta Pachón, T. A.. 2021. Diet and trophic position of three common rocky reef fish at two locations in the Gulf of California. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 47(-):1-11. (F.I. 1.624)
- Serviere Zaragoza, E., Hurtado Oliva, M. Á., Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Arjona Lopez, M. O., Palacios Mechetnov, E.. 2020. Seasonal and interannual variation of sterols in macrophytes from the Pacific coast of Baja California Peninsula (Mexico). PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 23 AGOSTO 2020(-):1-7. (F.I. 1.147)
- Piñón Gimate, A., Chávez Sánchez, T., Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Balart Paez, E. F., Serviere Zaragoza, E.. 2020. Species richness and composition of macroalgal assemblages of a disturbed coral reef in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Acta Botanica Mexicana. 127(e1653):1-15. (F.I. 0.661)
- Mendoza Becerril, M. A., Serviere Zaragoza, E., Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Rivera Perez, C., Calder, D. R., Vázquez Delfín, E. F., Freile Pelegrín, Y., Agüero, J., Robledo, D.. 2020. Epibiont hydroids on beachcast Sargassum in the Mexican Caribbean. PEERJ. 8(e9795):1-21. (F.I. 2.379)
- Mendoza Becerril, M. A., Estrada González, M. C., Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Restrepo Avendaño, L., Villar Beltrán, R. D., Agüero, J., Cunha, A. F.. 2020. Taxonomy and diversity of Hydrozoa (Cnidaria, Medusozoa) of La Paz Bay, Gulf of California. Zootaxa. 4808(1):1-37. (F.I. 0.99)
- León Cisneros, K., Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Miranda Saucedo, C. M., Argumedo Hernández, U., Siqueiros Beltrones, D., Serviere Zaragoza, E.. 2017. Diet of the Volcano Keyhole Limpet Fissurella volcano (Gastropoda: Fissurellidae) in Subtropical Rocky Reefs of the Baja California Peninsula. Pacific Science. 71(1):57-66. (F.I. 1.163)
- Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Fierro Jaúregui, L., León Cisneros, K., Serviere Zaragoza, E.. 2017. Diet of the Wavy Turban Snail, Megastraea undosa (Gastropoda: Turbinidae), in Subtropical Rocky Reefs. Pacific Science. 71(4):523-534. (F.I. 0.9)
- Quiñones Peyro, B. C., López Fuerte, F. O., Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Serviere Zaragoza, E., Casas Valdez, M., Yabur Pacheco, R.. 2016. MARINE ALGAE FROM GUADALUPE ISLAND, MEXICO. HIDROBIOLOGICA. 26(2):213-223. (F.I. 0.232)
- Piñon Gimate, A., Gómez Valdez, M. M., Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Serviere Zaragoza, E.. 2016. TROPHIC RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN TWO GASTROPODS AND SEAWEEDS IN SUBTROPICAL ROCKY REEFS BASED ON STABLE ISOTOPE ANALYSES. Journal of Shellfish Research. 35(1):191-197. (F.I. 0.829)
- Serviere Zaragoza, E., Hurtado, M. A., Manzano Sarabia, M., Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Reza Sanchez, M. A., Arjona Lopez, M. O., Palacios Mechetnov, E.. 2014. Seasonal and interannual variation of fatty acids in macrophytes from the Pacific coast of Baja California Peninsula (Mexico). Journal of Applied Phycology. Published online 17 Oct 2014:1-10. (F.I. 2.492)
- Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Piñón Gimate, A., Aguilar Mora, F., Medina, M., Serviere Zaragoza, E.. 2013. Diet of the Keyhole Limpet Megathura crenulata (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Subtropical Rocky Reefs. Journal of Shellfish Research. 32(2):297-303. (F.I. 0.865)
- Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Reyes Bonilla, H., Balart Paez, E. F., Serviere Zaragoza, E.. 2012. Beta diversity in rocky subtidal macroalgal assemblages from Bahía Loreto Gulf of California. Botanica Marina. 55:169-175. (F.I. 1.493)
- Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Casas Valdez, M., Siqueiros Beltrones, D. A., Piñon Gimate, A., Serviere Zaragoza, E.. 2012. Changes in the natural diet of green abalone Haliotis fulgens during the 1997 to 1998 El Niño event in Baja California Sur México. Journal of Shellfish Research. 31(3):1-6. (F.I. 0.793)
- Serviere Zaragoza, E., Mazariegos Villarreal, A., Riosmena Rodríguez, R., Rivera Camacho, A. R.. 2010. First report of Cladostephus spongiosus Sphacelariales Phaeophyta from the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Botanica Marina. 53(2):153-157. (F.I. 1.09)