Dra. Liliana Carolina Rojo Arreola
[ Foto Personal ]

Doctorado en Ciencias en el Uso, Manejo y Preservación de los Recursos Naturales por el CIBNOR




  • Programa de Ecología Pesquera


  • Biología Molecular
  • Enzimas de origen marino
  • Valor agregado de productos marinos


  • Buendía Padilla, M., García Carreño, F., Velázquez Lizárraga, A. E., Rojo Arreola, L. C.. 2022. DNA double-strand break repair machinery in Penaeid crustaceans: A focus on the Non-Homologous End-Joining pathway. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY B-BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. Available online 1 November 2022(-):1-9. (F.I. 2.495)
  • Gonzalez Duarte, R., Espinoza De Aquino, W., Garcia Carreño, F. L., Rojo Arreola, L. C.. 2021. The hurdles of delivery CRISPR-Cas9 components for gene editing in penaeid shrimps. AQUACULTURE RESEARCH. 52(11):1-10. (F.I. 2.082)
  • Rojo Arreola, L. C., Garcia Carreño, F. L., Romero Hernández, R. F., Díaz Domínguez, L. F.. 2020. Proteolytic profile of larval developmental stages of Penaeus vannamei: An activity and mRNA expression approach. PLOS ONE. 15(9):1-16. (F.I. 2.74)
  • Ulaje Fernández, S. A., Lluch Cota, S. E., Sicard Gonzalez, M. T., Ascencio Valle, F. J., Cruz Hernandez, P., Racotta Dimitrov, I. S., Rojo Arreola, L. C.. 2020. Litopenaeus vannamei oxygen consumption and HSP gene expression at cyclic conditions of hyperthermia and hypoxia. Journal of Thermal Biology. 92(102666):1-7. (F.I. 2.361)
  • Rojo-Arreola, L., Choquet, C., Cordova-Murueta, J., García-Carreño, F., 2019. The protease-based compensatory mechanism to minimize the effect of dietary Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor in Litopenaeus vannamei. Aquaculture 500, 18–23.
  • Rojo-Arreola, L., Navarrete del Toro, M.A., Cordova-Murueta, J., García-Carreño, F., 2019. Techniques for protein digestion research in Decapoda: A review. Trends Food Sci. Technol. 89, 65–75.
  • Ulaje, S.A., Rojo Arreola, L., Lluch Cota, S.E., Ascencio, F., Hernandez, P.C., Sicard, M.T., 2019. Gene expression and energetic metabolism changes in the whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in response to short-term hypoxia. Aquaculture Research 50(4): 994-1004.
  • Rodriguez-Siordia, I., Rojo-Arreola, L., Navarrete del Toro, M. de los A., García-Carreño, F., 2018. American lobster Cathepsin D, an aspartic peptidase resistant to proteolysis and active in organic solvents, non-ionic detergents and salts. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 107, 1501–1509.
  • Martínez-Alarcón, D., Saborowski, R., Rojo-Arreola, L., García-Carreño, F., 2018. Is digestive cathepsin D the rule in decapod crustaceans? Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part - B Biochem. Mol. Biol. 215, 31–38.
  • Segura-García, I., Rojo-Arreola, L., Rocha-Olivares, A., Heckel, G., Gallo-Reynoso, J.P., Hoelzel, R., 2018. Eco-Evolutionary Processes Generating Diversity Among Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, Populations off Baja California, Mexico. Evol. Biol. 0, 1–14.
  • Long, T., Rojo-Arreola, L., Shi, D., El-Sakkary, N., Jarnagin, K., Rock, F., Meewan, M., Rascón, A.A., Lin, L., Cunningham, K.A., Lemieux, G.A., Podust, L., Abagyan, R., Ashrafi, K., McKerrow, J.H., Caffrey, C.R., 2017. Phenotypic, chemical and functional characterization of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) as a potential anthelmintic drug target. PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis. 11, e0005680.
  • Rodríguez-Siordia, I., Bibo-Verdugo, B., Navarrtete del Toro, M., Rojo-Arreola, L., García-Carreño, F., 2016. A Synergistic Peptidase Network Mediates Food Protein Digestion in the American Lobster Homarus americanus (Edwards, 1837). J. Shellfish Res. 35, 1067–1074.
  • Dvorak, J., Fajtova, P., Ulrychova, L., Leontovyc, A., Rojo-Arreola, L., Suzuki, B.M., Horn, M., Mares, M., Craik, C.S., Caffrey, C.R., O’Donoghue, A.J., 2016. Excretion/secretion products from Schistosoma mansoni adults, eggs and schistosomula have unique peptidase specificity profiles. Biochimie 122, 99–109.
  • Betsaida Bibo-Verdugo, Liliana Rojo-Arreola, Maria A. Navarrete-del-Toro and Fernando García-Carreño. 2015. A chymotrypsin from the digestive tract of California spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus: Purification and biochemical characterization. Marine Biotechnology. DOI 10.1007/s10126-015-9626-z.
  • Daniel Asarnow, Liliana Rojo-Arreola, Brian M. Suzuki, Conor R. Caffrey, Rahul Singh . 2015. The QDREC web server: determining dose-response characteristics of complex macroparasites in phenotypic drug screens. Bioinformatics. 31, 9: 1515-1518
  • Bibo-Verdugo, B., O’Donoghue, A.J., Rojo-Arreola, L., Craik, C.S., García-Carreño, F., 2015. Complementary Proteomic and Biochemical Analysis of Peptidases in Lobster Gastric Juice Uncovers the Functional Role of Individual Enzymes in Food Digestion. Mar. Biotechnol. 18, 201–214.
  • Liliana Rojo-Arreola, Thavy Long, Dan Asarnaw, Brian Suzuki, Rahul Singh and Conor Caffrey. 2014. Chemical and Genetic Validation of the Statin Drug Target to Treat the Helminth Disease, Schistosomiasis. PLOS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0087594.
  • Martin Horn, Pavla Fajtová, Liliana Rojo-Arreola, Lenka Ulrychová, Pavla Bartosová-Sojková, Zdenék Franta, Anna V. Protasio, David Opavsky, Jirí Vondrásek, James H. McKerrow, Michael Mares, Conor R. Caffrey, Jan Dvorák. 2014. Trypsin- and Chymotrypsin-Like Serine Proteases in Schistosoma mansoni – ‘The Undiscovered Country’. PLOS NTDs. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002766.
  • Liliana Rojo, Fernando García-Carreño and Maria de los Angeles Navarrete. 2013. Cold adapted digestive aspartic protease of clawed lobster: Biochemical characterization. Marine Biotechnology. 15: 87-96
  • Aurora Stephens-Camacho, Liliana Rojo, Sandra Araujo-Bernal, Fernando García-Carreño and Adriana Muhlia-Almazan. 2012. Cathepsin B from the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei: cDNA sequence analysis, tissues-specific expression and biological activity. Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry B. 161, 1: 32-40.
  • Liliana Rojo, Rogerio Sotelo-Mundo, Fernando García-Carreño and László Gráf. 2010. Isolation and structural characterization of American lobster cathepsin D1. Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry B. 157(4): 394-400.
  • Liliana Rojo, Adriana Muhlia-Almazan, Reinhard Saborowski, and Fernando García-Carreño. 2010. Aspartic cathepsin D endopeptidase contributes to extracellular digestion in clawed lobsters Homarus americanus and Homarus gammarus. Marine Biotechnology. 12:696-707.



  • Choquet Cyril, Maestría, 2017: Gene expression of serine and metallo peptidases in the digestive gland of the whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei exposed to the Kunitz soybean trypsin inhibitor.


  • Fernanda González Ampudia, Licenciatura, 2019: Prevalencia de parásitos Espirórquidos (Familia Spirorchiidae) determinada a través de técnicas moleculares en tortugas Caretta caretta en el Golfo de Ulloa, BCS, México.
  • Luis Díaz Domínguez, Licenciatura, 2018: Expresión de los genes de las enzimas activadores de la proFenoloxidasa 1 y 2 (PPAE1 y PPAE2) en el desarrollo ontogenia del camarón blanco L. vannamei.
  • Rogelio Romero Hernández, Licenciatura, 2017: Variaciones en la actividad proteolítica especifica en la ontogenia del camarón Litopenaeus vannamei.



  • Alan Ulaje, Doctorado, 2019: Rutas moleculares involucradas en la respuesta a corto y largo plazo del camarón blanco (Litopenaeus vannamei, Bonne., 1931) ante estrés por hipertermia e hipoxia y potencial de sus genes como marcadores moleculares del estado fisiológico.


  • Luis Díaz Domínguez, Maestría, 2019: La función de cisteíno proteasas en la ontogenia del camarón blanco Litopenaeus vannamei.
  • Romero Hernández Rogelio, Maestría, 2019: La función de las aspártico proteasas en el desarrollo larval del camarón blanco Litopenaeus vannamei.


  • Orozco Guerra, Karla Daniela, Licenciatura, 2019: Evaluación de actividad proteolítica en residuos pesqueros de invertebrados marinos con importancia comercial en Baja California Sur, México.


  • Alan Ulaje, Luis Díaz Domínguez, Romero Hernández Rogelio
