Dra. Crisalejandra Rivera Pérez
[ Foto Personal ]

CATEGORÍA: Investigador Titular A (ITA)



  • Programa de Ecología Pesquera


  • Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
  • Biotecnología Marina
  • Fisiología de invertebrados marinos y cambio climático
  • Omicas de organismos marinos


  • Julio Humberto Cordova-Murueta, Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez*, María de los Ángeles Navarrete-del-Toro. 2025. Comparative bioinformatic analysis and biochemical characterization of digestive proteinases from Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Volume 275, 111031.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpb.2024.111031.
  • Yazmin Duran-Encinas, Rejean Tremblay, Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Concepción Lora-Vilchis, Edouard Kraffe, Elena Palacios. 2024. Modulation of thermal stress response by prostaglandins in gills of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Aquaculture. Volume 582, 740478. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2023.740478
  • Lluch Cota, S.E., Carreño León, D.P. Cruz Hernandez, P., Escobedo Fregoso, C., Galindo Sánchez, C.E., González Soriano, G., Hernández Casas, S., Hernández Herrera, R., Hernández Saavedra, N.Y., Kraffe de Laubrade, E., Lafarga de la Cruz, F., López Galindo, L.L., Monge Quevedo, A., Pacheco Ayub, C., Pecquerie L., Racotta, I.S., Ramírez Arce, J.L., Rivera Pérez, C., Rojo Arreola, L.C., Salgado García, R.L., Salmón Acosta, H., Sánchez Castrejón, E., Sicard, M.T., Tripp Valdez, M.A., Valenzuela Quiñonez, F., Vazquez Sánchez, R.I. 2024. La almeja mano de león: Una historia de desencanto y esperanza. Recursos Naturales y Sociedad, 2024. Vol. 10 (2): 51-64. https://doi.org/10.18846/renaysoc.2024.
  • Velez-Alavez, M., Rivera-Perez, C*. 2024. ¿El cómo, para qué y con qué de las conchas marinas? ¿Te lo habías preguntado?. Biotecnológica Magazine, 1(5), 11–17. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10479514
  • Crisalejandra Rivera Pérez, Xolotl Paloma Ponce González, Norma Y. Hernández Saavedra. 2023. Antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic activiy of bioactive peptides derived from abalone viscera (Haliotis fulgens and Haliotis corrugata). Scientific Reports. 13:15185. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-41491-w.
  • Duran Encinas, Y., Tremblay, R., Genard, B., Rivera Perez, C., Lora Vilchis, M. C., Kraffe, E., Palacios Mechetnov, E.. 2023. Modulation of thermal stress response by prostaglandins in gills of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Aquaculture. Available online 14 December 2023(-):1-10. (F.I. 4.5)
  • Arroyo Loranca, R. G., Rivera Pérez, C., Hernández Adame, L., Cruz Villacorta, A. A., Rodríguez López, J. L., & Hernández Saavedra, N. Y. 2023. Efecto de iones y concentración de proteína Ps19, una proteína de la concha de Pteria sterna, en los polimorfos de carbonato de calcio: Polimorfos de carbonato de calcio en Concha Nácar. Biotecnia, 25(2), 136–145. https://doi.org/10.18633/biotecnia.v25i2.1885
  • Crisalejandra Rivera Pérez. 2023. Biotecnología marina en México. BiotecnoLógica Magazine. Vol. 1. No. 1. 1-5 pp.
  • Crisalejandra Rivera Pérez, Raquel G. Arroyo-Loranca, Norma Y. Hernández Saavedra. 2022. An acidic protein, Hf15, from Haliotis fulgens involved in biomineralization. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol.. 272:111276. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2022.111276
  • Chen Zhang, Anmo J. Kim, Crisalejandra Rivera Pérez, Fernando Noriega, Young Joon Kim. 2022. The insect somatostatin pathway gates vitellogenesis progression during reproductive maturation and the post-mating response. Nature communications. 13: 969.
  • Crisalejandra Rivera Pérez, María A. Mendoza Becerril. 2021. Efecto de la pandemia COVID-19 en el quehacer científico: docencia e investigación. Recursos Naturales y Sociedad. Vol. 7 (2): 33-45.
  • Crisalejandra Rivera Pérez, Norma Y. Hernández Saavedra. 2021. Compuestos bioactivos derivados de moluscos marinos. Recursos Naturales y Sociedad. Vol. 7 (2): 61-84.
  • Leonela Rosales Catalán, Mariae C. Estrada-González, Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, André C. Morandini, Mónica Aurora Reza Sánchez, Maria A. Mendoza-Becerril. 2021. Genetic and morphological evidence of the presence of Phyllorhiza punctata in the southwestern Gulf of California (NE Pacific Ocean). Aquatic Invasions, 16:1-16.
  • Crisalejandra Rivera Pérez, Norma Yolanda Hernández Saavedra. 2021. Post-translational modification of shell matrix proteins: A Review. CBP. Part A 256, 110641. IF 2.0 doi: 10.1016/j.cbpb.2021.110641
  • Crislejandra Rivera Pérez, Ramón Gaxiola-Robles, Norma O. Olguín-Monroy, Orlando Lugo-Lugo, Roberto I. López-Cruz, Tania Zenteno-Savín. 2021. Effect of hypoxia on purine metabolism of human skeletal muscle cells. Biotecnia. XXIII (2): 141-148. https://doi.org/10.18633/biotecnia.v23i2.1444
  • Priscila Conde Guerrero, Tania Zenteno Savin, Crisalejandra Rivera Pérez, Fausto Valenzuela Quiñonez. 2021. Diurnal and seasonal hsp70 gene expression in a cryptic reef fish, the bluebanded goby Lythrypnus dalli (Gilbert 1890). Biotecnia. XXIII (2): 81-88. https://doi.org/10.18633/biotecnia.v23i2.1410
  • Reyes AG, C. Rivera-Pérez, A. Saenz-Galindo, J.J. Fuentes-Avilés, C. Salinas-Salazar, and R. Parra-Saldívar 2021. Merging green chemistry and biorefinery: Consolidating processes. Editorial: Apple Academic Press from Taylor and Francis Group. ISBN: 9781771889551. 644 p.
  • Mendoza-Becerril M.A., E. Serviere-Zaragoza, A. Mazariegos-Villarreal, C. Rivera-Pérez, D.R. Calder, E.F. Vázquez-Delfín, Y Freile-Pelegrín, J. Agüero, D. Robledo. 2020. Epibiont hydroids on beachcast Sargassum in the Mexican Caribbean. PeerJ 8:e9795 DOI 10.7717/peerj.9795
  • Raquel G. Arroyo-Loranca, Norma Y. Hernández-Saavedra, Luis Hernandez-Adame, Crisalejandra Rivera-Perez. 2020. Ps19, a novel chitin binding protein from Pteria sterna capable to mineralize aragonite plates in vitro. PLOs One. 10.1371/journal.pone.0230431 IF: 2.77
  • María A. Mendoza-Becerril, Héctor Campos Cruz, Crisalejandra Rivera Pérez. Educación a distancia en México: Centros Públicos de Investigación. Investigación y Desarrollo. https://noticyti.com/opinion/963-educaci%C3%B3n-a-distancia-en-m%C3%A9xico-centros-p%C3%BAblicos-de-investigaci%C3%B3n.html
  • Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Norma Y. Hernández Saavedra, 2020. ¿Cómo se forma la concha de moluscos?. Recursos Naturales y Sociedad. 6(1): 21-30. 10.18846/renaysoc.2020.
  • Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Fausto Valenzuela Quiñonez, José Caraveo Patiño. 2020. Comparative and functional analysis of desaturases FADS1 (d5) and FADS2 (d6) orthologues of marine organisms. CBP: Part D. 35:100704. IF. 2.57 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbd.2020.100704
  • Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, María de los Angeles Mendoza Becerril. 2020. Educación a Distancia en Tiempos de Contingencia Sanitaria. Agencia Investigación y Desarrollo Noticyt. https://invdes.com.mx/los-investigadores/educacion-a-distancia-en-tiempos-de-contingencia-sanitaria/
  • Estrella Marrón-Grijalba, César S. Cardona-Félix, Víctor H Cruz-Escalona, Mauricio Muñoz-Ochoa, Claudio Cabral-Romero, René Hernández-Delgadillo, Crisalejandra Rivera Pérez, Ruth Aguila-Ramírez. 2020. Partial biochemical characterization and in vitro biological activities of the epithelial cell extracts from Hypanus dipterurus spine. TOXICON 187: 129-135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxicon.2020.08.032 IF. 2.9
  • Crisalejandra Rivera-Perez, Iliana Alejandra Flores Sánchez, Josafat Jehu Ojeda-Ramírez de Areyano, Delia Irene Rojas Posadas, Norma Y. Hernández Saavedra. 2020. A shell matrix protein of Pinctada mazatlanica produces nacre platelets in vitro. Scientific Reports. 10, 20201. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-77320-7 IF 3.99
  • Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez. 2020. Problemas asociados a COVID-19 en estudiantes de posgrado. Agencia Iberoamericana para la difusión de la ciencia y tecnología. 26/11/2020. https://www.dicyt.com/viewNews.php?newsId=43225
  • Celene Navarro-Hurtado, Roberto Civera Cerecedo, Olivia Arjona, Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Hugo García Galindo, Miguel Hurtado Oliva, Elena Palacios. 2020. Stress response and lipid composition in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei fed diets enriched with squid or scallop viscera meal. Aquaculture Research. 10.1111/are.14508
  • María de los Angeles Mendoza Becerril, Crisalejandra Rivera Pérez, José Calzans. 2020. Exoskeletons of certain benthic cnidiarians and mollusks in a growing acidic ocean. In: The Benthos Zone. Intech Open. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.90933
  • Rivera-Pérez Crisalejandra, Clifton Mark Ellis, Noriega Fernando Gabriel and Jindra Marek 2020. Juvenile hormone regulation and action. Invertebrate Endocrinology. Apple Academic Press. 1-77 pp.
  • Crisalejandra Rivera Perez, Catalina Magallanes Dominguez, Rosa Virginia Dominguez Beltra, Josafat Jehu Ojeda-Ramirez de Areyano, Norma Y. Hernandez-Saavedra. 2019. Biochemical and molecular characterization of N66 from the shell of Pinctada mazatlanica. PeerJ. 7: e7212. IF. 2.11 DOI:10.7717/peerj.7212
  • Crisalejandra Rivera-Perez, Jehu Ojeda-Ramirez de Areyano, Norma Y. Hernandez-Saavedra. 2019. Purification and functional analysis of the shell marix protein N66 from the shell of the pearl oyster Pteria sterna. Comparative, Biochemistry and Physiology: Part B. 235: 19-29. IF: 2.0. doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpb.2019.05.007
  • Sonali A. Deshpande, Robert H. Hide, Peter Arensburger, Hongjiu Dai, Crisalejandra Rivera-Perez, Fernando Gabriel Noriega, Mike E. Adams. 2019. Ecdysis triggering hormone receptors regulate male courtship behavious via antennal lobe interneurons in Drosophila melanogaster. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 278, 79-88. IF. 8.6. 10.1016/j.ygcen.2018.12.003
  • Marcela Nouzova, Crisalejandra Rivera-Perez, Fernando G. Noriega. 2018. Omics approaches to study juvenile hormone synthesis. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 29:49-55. IF:3.6.
  • Marcela Nouzova, Veronika Michalova, Salvador Hernandez-Martinez, Crisalejandra Rivera-Perez, Cesar Ramirez, Francisco Fernandez-Lima, Fernando G. Noriega. 2018. JH biosynthesis and hemolymph titers in adult male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. IF.3.6. doi: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2018.02.005.
  • Sang Soo Lee, Yike Ding, Natalie Karapetians, Crisalejandra Rivera-Perez, Fernando Gabriel Noriega, Michael E. Adams. 2017. A hormonal cascade during an early adult critical period is required for courthip memory retention in Drosophila. Current Biology. 27, 1-12. Doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2017.08.017. IF: 8.9
  • Crisalejandra Rivera-Perez, Mark Clifton, Fernando G. Noriega. 2017. How nutrition influences the physiology of mosquitoes. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 23: 1-6. doi.org/10.1016/j.cois.2017.07.002, IF:3.6.
  • Matt Meiselman, Sang Soo Lee, Raymond-Tan Tran, Hongjiu Dai, Yike Ding, Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Thilini P. Wijesekera, Brigitte Dauwalder, Fernando Gabriel Noriega, Michael E. Adams. 2017. Endocrine network essential for reproductive success in Drosophila melanogaster. PNAS. 114 (19): E3849-E3858. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1620760114, IF:8.6.
  • Patricia Hernández Cortés, Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Fernando Garcia-Carreño, Diana Martinez Alarcon. 2017. Peptidase regulation during early development of the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaues vannamei. Biological Bulletin, 232: 1-10. IF. 1.94
  • Raúl Martínez Rincón, Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Luis Diambra, Fernando G. Noriega. 2017. Modeling the flux of metabolites in the juvenile hormone biosynthesis pathway using generalized additive models and ordinary differential equiations. PLoS One. 12(2): e0171516. IF:3.7
  • Pratik Nyati, Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Fernando G. Noriega. 2015. Negative feedbacks by isoprenoids on mevalonate kinase expressed in the corpora allata of mosquitoes. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0143107. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143107. IF: 3.7
  • Maria Areiza, Marcela Nouzova, Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Fernando G. Noriega. 2015. 20-hydroxyecdysone stimulates juvenile biosynthesis by the corpora allata of mosquito pupae. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 64, 100-105. doi:10.1016/j.ibmb.2015.08.001. IF.3.6
  • Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Pratik Nyati, Fernando G. Noriega. 2015. A corpora allata farnesyl diphosphate synthase in mosquitoes displaying a metal ion dependent substrate specificity. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 64, 44-50. doi:10.1016/j.ibmb.2015.07.010. IF.3.6
  • Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez. 2015. Marine invertebrate lipases: Comparative and functional genomics analysis. CBP: Part D. 15, 39-48. doi: 10.1016/j.cbd.2015.6.001. IF: 2.8
  • Di Wen, Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Mohamed Abdou, Qiangqiang Jia, Qianyu He, Ola Zyaan, William G. Bendena, Stephen S. Tobe, Fernando G. Noriega, Subba R. Palli, Jian Wang, Sheng Li. 2015. Methyl fanresoate regulates Drosophila metamorphosis. PLoS Genetics, 11(3) e1005038. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.100508. IF:8.17
  • Marcela Nouzova*, Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez*, Fernando Noriega. Mechanism of action of allatostatin-C in the regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in mosquitoes. 2015. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 57:20-26. IF. 3.6
  • Salvador Hernandez-Martinez, Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Marcela Nouzova, Ferrnando G. Noriega. 2015. Coordinated changes in JH biosynthesis and JH hemolymph titers in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Journal of Insect Physiology 72:22-27. IF: 2.4.
  • Arnold De Loof, Elisabeth Marchal, Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Fernando G. Noriega, Liliane Schoofs. 2015. Farnesol-like endogenous sesquiterpenoids in vertebrates: the probable but overlooked functional “inbrome” anti-aging counterpart of juvenile hormone of insects? Frontiers of Endocrinology. 5:222.
  • Maria Areiza, Marcela Nouzova, Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Fernando G. Noriega. 2014. 20-hydroxyecdysone stimulates juvenile biosynthesis by the corpora allata of mosquito pupae. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 64, 100-105. doi:10.1016/j.ibmb.2015.08.001. IF.3.6
  • Rivera-Perez Crisalejandra, Nouzova Marcela, Noriega Fernando. 2014. New approaches to study juvenile hormone biosynthesis in insects. In: Short views on Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Ed. By Raman Chandrasekar, B.K. Tyagi, Z.Z. Gui and G. Reeck. Printed in the K-State Union, Kansas State University, KS, Manhattan, USA. Vol (1): 185-215.
  • Rivera-Pérez Crisalejandra, Nouzova Marcela, Lamboglia Ivanna, Noriega G. Fernando. 2014. Metabolomic analysis reveals changes in the mevalonate and juvenile hormone synthesis pathways linked to the mosquito reproductive physiology. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 51:1-9. IF: 3.6.
  • Clifton E. Mark, Correa Stefano, Rivera-Pérez Crisalejandra, Nouzova Marcela, Noriega F.G. 2014. Male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes use JH III transferred during copulation to influence previtellogenic ovary physiology and affect the reproductive output of female mosquitoes. Journal of Insect Physiology. 64:40-47. IF:2.4
  • Perez-Hedo Meritxell, Rivera-Pérez Crisalejandra, Noriega F.G. 2014. Starvation increases insulin sensitivity and reduces juvenile hormone synthesis in mosquitoes. PLoS One 9(1):e86183. IF: 3.7.
  • Rivera-Perez Crisalejandra, Nouzova M., Noriega FG. 2013. Aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 converts farnesal into farnesoic acid in the corpora allata of mosquitoes. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 43(8): 675-682. IF:3.6
  • Nyati Pratik, Nouzova Marcela, Rivera-Perez Crisalejandra, Clifton Mark E., Mayoral Jaime G., Noriega Fernando G. 2013. Farnesyl phosphatase, a corpora allata enzyme involved in juvenile hormone biosynthesis in Aedes aegypti. PLoS One 5;8(8):e71967. IF: 3.7
  • Perez-Hedo Meritxell, Rivera-Pérez Crisalejandra, Noriega G. Fernando. 2013. The insulin/TOR signal transduction pathway is involved in the nutritional regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis in Aedes aegypti. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 43:495-500. IF:3.6
  • Rivera-Perez Crisalejandra, Nouzova M., Noriega FG. 2012. A quantitative assay for the juvenile hormone and their precursors using fluorescent tags. PLoS One, 7(8):e43784. IF:3.7
  • Diaz Miguel, Mayoral Jaime G., Priestap Horacio, Nouzova Marcela, Rivera-Perez Crisalejandra, Noriega Fernando G. 2012. Characterization of an Isopentenyl Diphosphate Isomerase involved in the Juvenile Hormone pathway in Aedes aegypti. Insect of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 42(10):751-757. IF: 3.6.
  • Rivera-Pérez Crisalejandra, Saborowski Reinhard, García-Carreño Fernando L., 2011. Purification and biochemical characterization of digestive lipase in whiteleg shrimp, Marine Biotechnology 2: 284-295. IF: 2.7
  • Rivera-Pérez Crisalejandra, Navarrete del Toro, M. de los Ángeles, García-Carreño Fernando L., 2011. Purification and characterization of an intracellular lipase from pleopods of whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 158(1): 99-105. IF:2.0
  • Rivera-Pérez Crisalejandra, García-Carreño Fernando L., 2011. Effect of fasting on digestive gland lipase transcripts expression in Penaeus vannamei. Marine Genomics 4:273-278. IF: 1.97.
  • Rivera-Pérez Crisalejandra, Navarrete del Toro M. de los Ángeles, García-Carreño Fernando L. 2010. Digestive lipase activity through development and after fasting and re-feeding in the whiteleg shrimp Penaeus vannamei. Aquaculture 300, 163-168. IF: 2.0
  • Rivera-Pérez Crisalejandra, García-Carreño Fernando, 2007. Enzimas lipolíticas y su aplicación en la industria del aceite. Biotecnología, Vol. 11(2):37-45 pp.



  • Raquel Arroyo Loranca, Doctorado, 2020: Expresión, purificación y caracterización funcional de perlina, una proteína involucrada en la biomineralización de dos moluscos (Pteria sterna y Haliotis fulgens).


  • Diana Rojas Sánchez, Maestría, 2024: Plasticidad fenotípica de las proteínas de la matriz de la concha de mano de león (Nodipecten subnodosus).
  • Rosa Virginia Domínguez Beltrán, Maestría, 2023: Efecto de la variación de pH en la estructura de la concha y el tejido del manto de juveniles de callo de hacha (Atrina maura).
  • Brianna Marielle Hamburgo Fragoso, Maestría, 2022: Caracterización de las regiones regulatorias 5' y 3' de las enzimas superóxido dismutasa manganeso y cobre y zinc en levaduras.
  • Ivis Laura Mendez Bernal, Maestría, 2022: Identificación de la batería básica de proteínas involucrada en la formación de la concha de moluscos.
  • Daniela Guadalupe Montealegre Mariscal, Maestría, 2021: Identificación y caracterización de una proteína de la concha de abulón azul (H. fulgens) implicada en la formación de aragonite.
  • Priscilla Conde Guerrero, Maestría, 2019: Expresión diferencial de genes involucrados en la respuesta a la variación ambiental diurna y estacional en el pez críptico arrecifal Lythrypnus dalli (Gilbert, 1980).


  • Hivaell Sebastian Almazan Perez, Licenciatura, 2023: Identificación de compuestos bioactivos derivados de las vísceras de callo de hacha (Atrina maura).
  • Brianna Hamburgo Fragoso, Licenciatura, 2019: Identificación de compuestos bioactivos con propiedades inhibitorias de proteasas a partir de vísceras de abulón.
  • Rosa Virginia Domínguez Beltrán, Licenciatura, 2019: Aislamiento y caracterización de la proteína N66 de la concha de madre perla Pinctada mazatlanica.



  • Dalia Itzkopilli Luis, Maestría, 2023: Aprovechamiento biotecnológico de la actividad osteogénica de la matriz soluble del nácar de la ostra perlera Pteria sterna.


  • Dalia Itzkopilli Luis
